January - February
The turn of the new year has brought about a ton of new experiences in that we are now in ordering vines and making solid plans to get fences, trellis and irrigation in place rather quickly.
Planning phase turns to reality, with items being purchased, vines being ordered and a definitive date to start planting.
March - April
The actual work begins.
May - June
The PLANTING. It actually happened. We got the vines in the ground, the trellis system in place, irrigation dripping and fencing to keep out the critters.
Touch ups. Work done to get the irrigation fine tuned, additional wires run for trellising and all of the odds and ends figured out.
HOLY COW we have vines that are leaping out of the ground and growing beyond the initial wire.
things are closing up for the winter. The leaves are falling off, green vines are turning brown and hardening off and the irrigation has been winterized.
November - December
All is quiet on the home front. Winter has arrived and the vines look like they are ready to take on Mother Nature's Cold shoulder.